Why We Need Your Help
We work with a number of equine rescue groups to take mistreated and abused Arab horses and rehabilitate them for use in our programs. Our programs pay for most of our equine upkeep, however the cost of that upkeep continues to rise each year as the cost feed and boarding also continue to rise. Unfortunately for us, the cost of boarding is our number one expense and the one we have the least amount of control over due to the fact that we lease space for the horses where we can. Veterinary fees and event transport costs also constitute a large part of our expenses.

The Stories of Our Horses
All of the horses used by the Second Continental Light Dragoons are rescued animals who would have been abandoned, or worse, if not for the efforts of the members of Sheldon’s Horse. These are the stories of when and how our four-legged companions became part of the regiment.
Unit Horses
Charlie (2016)
Charlie was rescued in 2016. He is 17 years old and ¾ Arab. He was abandoned at a farm but the caregiver kept him fed. He needed weight and vetting. He is now a very happy and very fat horse Charlie has adapted to become a Dragoon horse.

Cesare (2006)
Obtained in a trade for a horse that didn’t work out, Cesare had been living “wild” in a pasture for 10 months. He had no coat left, his skin was rotted, and his feet a mess. The day he came to us was 45 degrees and raining, and the poor boy was shaking from cold. He has turned into a fine war horse, pursuing the “enemy” across the field with obvious delight. Cesare is 21.

Elias (2010)
Elias came to us through the Arabian horse rescue program. We rescued him just before he was to be sent for meat by two days. Elias is a 9 year old Arabian who is very smart. He learns quickly and has a very calm personality. He really likes people.
Talisman (2021)
He is a true registered Arab Barb as the unit was ordered to get per GW. He needs to fatten up a bit, more to follow.
Barbados – Bart (2021)
He is a full blooded Arabian
Waiting at Fiddlers’ Green

Aladdin (1997)
Carol’s wedding present, take two. This boy was absolutely reliable and trustworthy, and was considered the “recruit horse” because of his dependability. He was a hack horse (rent by the hour), and when Carol and Sal went to try him, he gave everything he was asked for, even though he’d already been working for several hours on trail rides in 90 degree heat. He was 300 pounds underweight, and had a large thyroid tumor that made it very difficult for him to swallow his food. We lost him to colic on 23 October 2007. Laddie was 25.

Beau (2000)
Used as a therapy horse, Beau was very unhappy in his work, and showed his displeasure by nipping people. He was fitted with a thin wire bit that cut his tongue, and his mouth was strapped shut so he had no way of avoiding the punishment. He was very happy in this time with us, and loved to “come out and play” on the battlefield. On July 11th, 2010 Beau came down with Colic and after a few hours Beau left for Fiddler’s Green. Beau was 23.

Orion (2007)
A beautiful horse with wonderful bloodlines, he was owned by a woman who couldn’t handle him, and who would tie him up and punish him when he didn’t do exactly what she wanted the instant she wanted it. We saw him on a Sunday; he was scheduled to be put down on the following Wednesday. On September 21 Orion was kicked by another horse on the way in to the barn and shattered his leg. The vet made the determination to put him down later that evening. Orion was 23.

Joshua (1996)
Originally intended as a wedding present to Carol, he and she did NOT get along well, Josh being very determined not to be ridden by a woman. Josh was very sick with “shipping fever”, a condition that develops when horses are crowded together in trucks and driven long distances without proper rest, food or water. After a while, Josh was purchased by Peter Travers, and the two are a strong pair, both on the field and off. Josh was retired from regular service in 2013 and enjoyed a quiet life on the farm with the rest of the unit horses.

Prince (1986-2019)
As Sal walked through the pens at the auction house, a sickly 9-month-old colt came up and stuck his nose under Sal’s arm. He wouldn’t leave Sal, even though Sal had no intention of buying such a young horse. Prince was an illegal foal from the Barb bloodline, and had been fed bad hay to make him sick and/or die. Sal outbid the killer (horse meat dealer) by $5. Prince is now 24 years old, and a finer war horse would be difficult to find.
Hercules (2019-2021)
Hercules is a 23-year-old Standard Bred horse. He was sent to be killed, but we rescued him at the last moment. He is 15.1 hands and is a very gentle but a very strong horse. His past history is unknown other than he was abused.
You Can Help
First and foremost, we are a 501(3)c registered organization. All donations, large or small, are fully Tax-Deductible. Funds raised through donations and events go towards the care and boarding of our horses as well as the maintance of our equipment so that we can continue our educational programs. Please help us by sending your charitable contribution to:
Sheldon’s Horse, Second Continental Light Dragoons (or SH2LD)C/O Capt. Sal Tarantino
Light Horse Farm
192 Prospect Hill Road
Colchester, CT 06415-1620
Other Ways You Can Help
We realize not everyone is in a position to be able to contribute, but all of you still have something incredibly valuable that you can lend to us – your voice. Use your voice spread the word about us and what we do to others and help bring us to the attention of those that are in a better position to aid us.
Additionally, we are always in need of new members to help us to make our programs possible. If you have some time that you can spare then please consider joining our unit and becoming part of Sheldon’s Horse. Riding ability is not required and families are welcome.